‘Amazing accomplishment’: 80 Acres produce made in Hamilton now Kosher certified Press, Priority•by 80AcresFarms•Posted March 13, 2021
Kroger brings 80 Acres Farms vertically farmed produce to more stores Highlighted, Press•by 80AcresFarms•Posted March 9, 2021
Vertical farming is not the answer for all of humanity’s woes Press•by 80AcresFarms•Posted September 24, 2020
Indoor farming is revolutionizing the way produce is grown. Highlighted, Press•by 80AcresFarms•Posted September 11, 2020
How to optimise plant growth in a vertical farm (video) Press•by 80AcresFarms•Posted September 8, 2020
The Museum Is Closed, but Its Tomato Man Soldiers On Featured, Press•by 80AcresFarms•Posted May 17, 2020
Tomatoes sprouting in Manhattan’s concrete jungle to feed the homeless Press, Priority•by 80AcresFarms•Posted April 18, 2020
Tomatoes growing on NYC’s fifth avenue as part of museum exhibition Press•by 80AcresFarms•Posted February 21, 2020